We are proud to now offer group therapy programs for children and parents.    The following programs are available:

Friends for Life   

Friends for Life is a resiliency building program which helps school-age children (age 8-12)  to learn strategies for coping with anxiety and depression.   Groups include 8-12 children, and a group leader.    Sessions run for one hour per week, for 8 weeks.   More information about the program can be found at   www.pathwayshrc.com.au/friends-for-life/      Please contact Dr. Cristina for more information about session dates and fees. 


Mindfulness is a form of meditation which teaches children to pay attention to the present moment.   Research has demonstrated positive effects with regard to anxiety reduction, improved mood, and overall well-being.   Groups for children in Grades 3 and 4 are being offered.   Please contact Dr. Cristina for more information about session dates and fees. 

ADHD Parent Support

A drop-in group support program for parents of children diagnosed with ADHD will be offered in the near future.   Topics of interest to this population will be discussed, in addition to opportunities for Q & A.   Please contact Dr. Cristina for more information about start dates, and fees.  

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